Until recently, I'd been of the firm opinion that identities limit rather than liberate. The rest of the world spend their time trying desperately to stuff everything they see into their pre-conceived compartments; I did not want to help them stuff me into one. Now, I'm not overly disdainful of compartmentalising as a whole. I'm a bit of a fan of evolutionary biology, and as such I understand exactly why we have this predisposition. We need the boxes to understand the world in which we operate. Dangerous predators, poisonous plants, distinguishing friend from foe - all had to be very well developed over the 2.6 million years or so since humanoid beings have been roaming the surface of the planet - in order for us to continue to be roaming today. BUT - I also think we need to be cognizant of this penchant for stuffing things into convenient boxes. It is the reason we've been fighting racism and all the other 'isms' that still plague us today. 'Us ver...